Deloris Pickens-Sharp has lived in Westview since 1984. She and her sister rented their house for a while before being able to purchase it from the bank. She loves the convenience of her neighborhood and believes in a bright future for her community, saying that,“Westview has a lot of potential. Even before we found out that the Beltline was gonna be coming through here, I think it always had a lot of potential. It just needed the right people in it, with the right views, you know, the right mindset, that wanted to do something and have more, and to see it being built up. Cause back then when we had our community organization, it was kinda grassroots, but it was one of those community organizations where everybody worked, you really got out and got your hands dirty, doing something.” There are things she’d like to see in the community, but overall says Westview will always be her home: “I’ll be able to stay here until the Lord takes me home.”“Because it’s a warm neighborhood. You got people who’ll speak to you when they see you, for the most part, or you’ll speak to them, they’ll speak back. I’m from the country so I’m used to that. People being cordial to one another.”
For her whole story, listen below: