Urgent Ask: NPU S is trying to kill Atlanta Streets Alive. Can you take a minute and write a letter of support regarding the event. Please email it to Sagirah Jones at sagirah@atlantabike.org.
Sample letter written by a fellow neighbor:
I know this mostly goes unsaid but Atlanta Streets Alive is such an important event to our city and its communities, especially when it comes to recent events. The addition of dockless scooters to our city and their immediate and widespread use shows how necessary a reliable last-mile transportation alternative is to the residents and visitors of Atlanta.
The tragic deaths of 4 people on those scooters only underscores the need for events like Atlanta Streets Alive and awareness of the danger that cars pose when they are required to share the road. This city needs strong investment in safer streets more than ever before so when I heard that some people wanted to cancel Atlanta Streets Alive this year it is disappointing beyond words.
I urge you not to cancel this important event. Not just for the sake of the children that could experience something fun and unique, or for the people that will see all new areas of the city and not even for the sake of communities like Westview, who have never been included and have fought so hard to be noticed and respected as a part of the city, but truly because the city needs events like this more than ever to remind everyone what's at stake