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NPU-T Meeting to be held virtually

7 Apr 2020 3:59 PM | Anonymous member

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, NPU-T will hold our monthly meeting virtually via ZOOM.

Good Afternoon NPU T 

Please see attached agenda, minutes (will be sent in another email) and associated voting matters for your review and use for tomorrow's general board meeting. Meeting details are as follows:

Neighborhood Planning Unit (NPU) T GB meeting details

Date: Tomorrow Wednesday, 4/8/2020 (every 2nd Wednesday of the month)

Place: Zoom (see meeting instructions below)

Time: 7 pm

Voting matters under Zoning and Land Use Committee report

1. Milton St abandonment (AUC)- Keith Morton, Governmental and Political Consultants representing the Woodruff Library


Kimberly Scott

Chair, NPU T

Kimberly Scott is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 956 028 468
Password: 144796

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Meeting ID: 956 028 468
Password: 144796
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To view this discussion on the web visit

NPU T General Body April Final Agenda.pdf

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